ATOLL Électronique was founded in September 1997 by Stéphane and Emmanuel DUBREUIL. The observation at that time, in the market of high fidelity products, showed a certain lack of audiophile products at affordable prices. The company moved to the former premises of SODIBOIS, rue des Ecoles, in Brécey, in Normandy, an advantageous place to create, develop, and market a line of integrated amplifiers, preamps, CD players, FM tuners, etc., very musical, reliable and scalable.
Our starting lineup included:
IN50 – IN80 – PR100 – AM50 – AM80
After an encouraging start in the summer of 1998, helped by some very good press articles and a network of convinced resellers, a new model was launched: the AM100. Then followed, at the end of 1998, the line of CD players (CD50 – CD80 – CD100) was launched to complete the range.
The range of 3-channel amplifiers (AV50 – AV80 – AV100), dedicated mainly to home cinema applications, was released at the end of 1999.
Two flagship products from our current range were released at the end of 2000: the IN100 and the PR200. The different options, natural ALU colour finish and Remote control were also on the market (October 2000).
Given the boom in the Home cinema market in these years, the company embarked on a significant project that would require nearly three years of effort, research, and investment (ATOLL was then the only French company of High Fidelity to have Dolby and DTS licenses): the PR5.1 was released in 2004.
The PR5.1 is an atypical product in the Home Cinema market. With a simplified user interface and exceptional musicality for an Audio/video preamp, it met with immediate success among music and home cinema enthusiasts.
The multichannel range will be extended the following year with the arrival of the AV500, a 5-channel block entirely designed as a high-fidelity amplifier dedicated to Home Cinema.
In 2005, with our presence in the mid-range market, we offered more high-end products, allowing brand lovers to find elements going further in musicality and offering new perspectives with larger speakers. The IN200, PR300, AM200, and CD200 (2006) ranges were launched, again with encouraging success.
The following years (2007 and 2008) allowed us to completely rework existing products: the release of CD players in the MK3 version and the new SE range—constant improvement in quality, reliability, and new demands.
The arrival of the IN30 at the end of 2008 marked our desire to expand into entry-level products. It is an innovative product that, thanks to its entirely French manufacturing, ranks among the very first audiophile products on the High-Fidelity market. It is a showcase of our know-how, widely rewarded by critics (Best Buy, Diapason d’Or, etc.) and consumers. A few months later, the IN30 was followed by the CD30 player.
With the expansion of dematerialized music, we endeavoured to develop a product capable of linking digital files and the links of a Hifi system. The DAC100 (released at the end of 2009) meets all technical and practical requirements and is truly affordable.
2010 and 2011 marked our entry into the world of Very High End with the launch of the IN400 and the CD400. Very quickly, the 400 range was enriched with a PR400 preamp and an AM400 power unit.
The best +
More robust chassis, specifically developed and designed to optimize the precision and operation of internal elements, with a 10 mm aluminium front panel to block all electromagnetic disturbances. The side heatsinks of the 400 range devices are machined from solid blocks of aluminium to absorb mechanical vibrations and guarantee perfect heat dissipation.
In 2012, believing in the rise of dematerialized music, Atoll launched into the distribution of network players – ST100 and ST200, thus completing our product offering covering all means of listening to music. The dematerialized music offering will be supplemented by all-in-one devices – SDA100 and SDA200 in 2014.
Eager to reach a wider audience and mindful of new demands, ATOLL is developing and launching a whole set of MINI products in 2014/2015: preamp/DAC—HD100/120, amplifier – MA100, CD player – MD100, and Streamer -MS100.
The best +
ATOLL network players will have high-end converters, ensuring high-precision digital/analogue conversion. They will support the vast majority of audio formats such as MP3, AAC, WAV, ALAC, AIFF and FLAC up to 24 bits and 192 kHz. These files can be read from the network using DLNA compatibility or directly from a USB key or hard drive connected to one of the two USB inputs. Practical, the different audio files are played in “gapless” mode. This means there is no interruption between titles. For example, it is a handy function when playing a live album.
The year 2016 marks an important moment with, on the one hand, work to extend the building (addition of 600m2 of workshop/offices) and, on the other hand, the launch of the IN300, which augurs the future directions of the whole brand products.
The signature series constitutes the culmination of our search for musicality and aesthetics. It is also distinguished by the provision of new functions:
- Scalability: signature amplifiers and CD players can be equipped with optional DAC cards, which can be combined with a Phono card (integrated amplifiers and preamplifiers).
- Ergonomics: Signature CD players come as standard with a global remote control that controls the amplifiers, DACs and the TU80.
Signature network players revolutionize our range and offer you an incomparable opening to the world of dematerialized music:
- Playback of your favourite albums and new releases is directly accessible in high definition from Qobuz, Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, HRA, etc.
- You can read the contents of a USB hard drive of a NAS or computer directly from your drive.
- You have access to all existing internet radios via the Airable system, supplemented by the possibility of manually adding new radios.
- All our “signature” network players have a detachable analogue preamplifier and polarized class A output stages. They are also equipped with configurable analogue and digital inputs (you can rename them and configure them individually in BY-PASS).
300 LINE
This range is the latest in our catalogue; it condenses most of our know-how and includes new technological innovations. Do you want to get even more realistic and spacious listening? All the devices in the 300 range offer you this possibility! Travel and discover even larger, more spacious, breathtaking musical worlds. This range offers exceptional musicality for sets adapted to all types of speakers, even the most complex.
The year 2024 marks another important moment with on the one hand extension work on the building (addition of 300m2 of storage), which makes a total surface area of 1400m2. And on the other hand the launch of new “Evolution” products, which augurs the future directions of all the brand’s products.
Today, ATOLL products are distributed in nearly 80 stores in France and exported to more than 40 countries worldwide.
The ATOLL range includes 41 products and several possible options (phono cards, digital cards, remote controls, black or natural aluminium finish).
Our passion is still present, and we still pursue the same objectives set initially.
patb49Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. Il y a plus de 20 ans j'ai acheté un IN80 qui tourne sans arrêt depuis, il y a quelque jours je l'ai porte a réviser, les condensateurs ont été changés ainsi que quelques boutons, cout 144 euros, cet ampli est vraiment fabuleux et il fonctionne comme au premier jour. de plus la maison Atoll est vraiment d'un excellent accueil, mon ampli a été dépanné en deux heures, les gens sur place sont d'une amabilité extrême et on rêve devant le matos exposé. Sachez M. "Atoll" que mon prochain ampli sortira de chez vous et merci pour vos prix doux et la grande qualité de vos produits. Très longue continuation othallTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. Excellent matériel, service après vente accueillant, rapide, efficace et peu onéreux. Merci à eux. Laurent PERRINTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. J'ai appelé Atoll pour une levée de doute sur un HD120 et j'ai eu un excellent accueil, avec des passionnés (ça s'entend) qui m'ont très aimablement répondu. Matériel très musical, dont on n'a pas envie d'arrêter de profiter... Phil RaymondTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. Service client ou technique je ne sais pas mais il y a toujours quelqu'un pour vous répondre et très aimablement. Le matériel (In100 et très récemment CD 100 pas encore mis en route ) concernant l'ampli je retrouve enfin les basses de mes Triangle Antal 902 , j'ai suivi les conseils de l'interlocuteur sympa que j'ai eu au téléphone. Un intégré sans fioritures, pas de réglages de graves, aigus, balance,loudness divers et variés , le son vrai simple efficace. Une présence de la matière,des détails, je redécouvre la HIFI. Dans la foulée, je me suis offert un CD 100 signature que je vais mettre en route ce dimanche. Merci a Atoll pour des prix somme toute abordable, d'être fiers d'acheter du bon matériel Français. FLO LECTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. Contact téléphonique pour un soucis de réception en wifi. Très bon accueil, écoute et prise en charge du problème de suite avec un technicien. Je recommande vivement. Merci encore à T. Laetiti KocinTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. J'ai eu affaire a Stephane électronicien compètent généreux. Grace a son aide j'ai pu profiter pleinement de mon amplificateur. Merci encore Thierry R KTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. Atoll IN 200 Signature ???? Cédric NielTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. Atoll IN 300 De prime abord, on pourrait le prendre pour un IN 200 dont il reprend l’allure et le style général, des plus réussi au demeurant avec son châssis métallique, sa très jolie façade rapportée en aluminium usiné, le tout recouvert d’un capot enveloppant en tôle d'acier. Il est cependant plus haut, plus profond et plus lourd, mais c’est normal il est encore mieux loti que son petit frère... Là ce n’est pas une fée qui s’est penchée sur son berceau mais toute une bande, standard (dual mono), un triple push-pull de transistors à effet de champs, (par canal), avec une alimentation assurée par deux transfos de 440 VA chacun, un excellent DAC intégré, (base AKM modèle AK4490EQ), entre autres raffinements électroniques. La ligne est sobre et élégante mais la mécanique est celle d’un avion de chasse ! Attention décollage... Au moment où je rédige cet avis, je suis en train d’assister à un concert des sœurs LOVELL, mais pas au Trianon, (annulé pour cause de Covid-19), je suis juste chez moi… Plus sérieusement cet intégré est une réussite totale, puissant, subtil, d’une musicalité absolument renversante en binôme avec des Dynaudio, (par exemple). Il faut vraiment aller l’écouter…, au passage, en Normandie, la bonne adresse pour ce faire c’est chez «Art Sonique» à Caen. La Normandie puisque j’en parle, recèle un certain nombre de pépites, ATOLL à Brécey en est une qui de plus a su rester accessible et là je ne parle pas simplement des tarifs, je prends également en considération la disponibilité de l’équipe et des frères DUBREUIL que vous pourrez joindre très facilement par téléphone par mail et même sur site en cas de besoin, pour un réglage fin de courant de repos par exemple, Emmanuel, Stéphane si vous lisez ces lignes merci encore et Bravo ! Re NaudTrustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google. Une disponibilité et un service après vente d’une rare efficacité. Chaudement recommandé.